A bit about me
Postdoc at MIT
Research Affiliate at UH Mānoa
I’m interested in the coordination and optimization of cellular scale processes, how objectives - like fitness or entropy production - are influenced by the streams of information between tiers of biological organization, and how all this complexity is imprinted in the genetic code. I enjoy thinking about these layers of biological complexity as they relate to the ecology and biogeochemistry of the oceans. More
Recent works and perspectives
Redox-selective remineralization decouples marine carbon and oxygen cycles
Exploring how the photosynthetic quotient and the respiratory quotient modulate oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.
Reconciling hyperbolic and stepwise-linear kinetics
Some thoughts about Monod, Droop and Blackman, and how to reconcile them with a mechanistic model.
Ongoing research with the Simons Foundation Collaboration on Biogeochemical Modeling of Marine Ecosystems. Watch a narrated slide show of what’s in the works and check out a case-study applying detailed mechanistic models of Prochlorococcus physiology and metabolism across an eddy-dipole.
A mechanistic model of substrate transport
Check out our mechanistic model of substrate limited microbial growth kinetics. A way to derive nutrient transport rates and growth rates from physiological data and genome-scale models. Easier than it sounds!